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报告题目:The First Step for AI-basedHuman-Like Language Understandin

                        Sentiment Analysis of Text 



报告人:王兆霞 教授

主持人:刘青山 教授













Abstract and Introduction:

With the advent of the Internet, more and more people prefer to post their feedback, reviews, and opinions through social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Chinese Weibo, and so on. Sentiment analysis of such data is becoming a fast and effective way of evaluating public opinion and sentiment for addressing practical problems, such as predicting consumer preferences or sensing public emotions towards some products, services or issues. In addition, the current AI systems and robots developed still cannot truly understand human language. Therefore, the motivation of this research is two folds: (i) To Realize Human Like Real-World Language Understanding of Text; and (ii) To Develop Human Like Brand New AI Technologies for Big Data Analysis. As the first step to realize the two goals, in this talk, the presenter will introduce sentiment analysis of text, which includes learning-based, non-learning based and hybrid methods. For learning-based methods, different enhancements, such as feature selection, negation dealing, and emoticon handling are studied to improve the performance of existing machine learning methods; for non-learning based methods or hybrid methods, a series of patentable technologies are proposed to address the limitations of the existing methods. Evaluation licenses or commercial licenses have been signed by more than 10 companies on one of her patents.



王兆霞,华东理工大学本科毕业,南开大学获硕士学位和博士学位(自动化与智能科学系,现人工智能学院)。人工智能和计算智能的研究与应用是其博士研究课题。她于2004年被破格聘为天津理工大学副教授,20058月至200512月,她赴英国伯明翰大学计算机科学学院和计算智能与应用研究卓越中心(CERCIA-The Centre of Excellence for Research in Computational Intelligence and Applications)的访问,从事人工智能和计算智能的研究和应用。她于20082月至20114月在新加坡国立大学(NUS)工作三年,于20115月加入新加坡科技研究局的高性能计算研究院(IHPCA * STAR)做为研究科学家、学术带头人和项目经理。至今,她在新加坡工作十年有余,一直专注在数据分析,自然语言理解和全新的人工智能算法和技术的开发和实现 (提出了细粒度情感分析算法和智能舆情分析算法)。她在出国前就主持并完成博士后科学基金、天津市高等教育发展基金和天津市科委资助的项目等。她在新加坡工作的10年里,主持并成功交付了10多项科学研究型和应用开发型项目,是新加坡科技局大数据和人工智能领域的学术带头人和被评为表现突出的优秀科学家。她加盟南信大自动化队伍,正致力于人工智能研究院的建设和发展,担任人工智能研究院常务院长。她除了在主持项目方面的表现,在学术国际期刊和会议上发表了50多篇论文。作为第一发明人提交5篇国际专利和知识产权申请。她的专利已有10多家公司签署知识产权评估许可或商业许可。她是学术期刊Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 的区域编辑和新加坡国家学术组织—新加坡道路安全议会学术研究委员会会员。她先后被新加坡管理大学、天津大学、复旦大学、新加坡国立大学和新加坡南洋理工大学等知名学府邀请学术讲座。她研究兴趣包括自然语言认知和理解,细粒度舆情情感分析,认知和因果学习,数据挖掘、大数据处理和机器学习,基于人工智能意见的股票市场趋势分析,社交媒体内容挖掘和分析,下一代全新的人工智能研究等。

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